Sixth International Conference on

Fetal Growth 2017

Fota Island, Cork, Ireland

20 - 22 September 2017



Workshop 1Growth Assessment Protocol (GAP)
From 09:00 Registration
09:30 Welcome and Introduction
Fetal growth restriction and pregnancy outcome
Customised charts: principles, and clinical implications
Risk assessment and surveillance: guidelines, algorithms
11:00 Coffee/Tea
11:30 Clinical Application
Fundal height - standardised measurement and plotting
Referral protocols – indications for further investigation
Clinical and practical application – case studies
Documentation and record keeping - plotting and referral scenarios
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Routine Data Collection
Birth data, benefits and how to implement
Baseline audit – rates of SGA, referral and detection prior to implementation of GAP
Missed case audit tool – implementation, identifying issues and addressing problems
15:00 Coffee/Tea
15:30 Ultrasound
Protocols & algorithms
Routine scans for all? – review of the evidence
Q&A; general discussion
17:00 Close
Jason Gardosi, Professor and Director, Perinatal Institute, Birmingham, UK
Sally Buller, Senior Midwife, Perinatal Institute, Birmingham UK
Mandy Williams, Health Informatics Clinical Lead, Perinatal Institute, Birmingham UK
Workshop 2Ultrasound and Doppler
From 09:00 Registration
09:30 Ultrasound biometry
Structural scans
Audit and Quality Assurance
11:00 Coffee/Tea
11:30 Live Demonstration
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Doppler – Basics
Doppler Investigation I (UA, ACM, CPR, UtA)
Live Demonstration
15:00 Coffee/Tea
15:15 Biophysical profile & amniotic fluid
Doppler Investigation II (UV, DV)
Live Demonstration
17:00 Close
Ahmet Baschat, Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA
Francesc Figueras, Associate Professor of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain
Noirin Russell, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Clinical Senior Lecturer, Cork University Maternity Hospital